Empa researcher to head Swiss Noise Abatement Commission

New President of the FNAC

Jul 8, 2020 | CORNELIA ZOGG

The Federal Council has appointed Empa researcher Jean Marc Wunderli as President of the Swiss Federal Noise Abatement Commission (EKLB). He took over this position on the 1st of July. Since 2019 Wunderli heads the lab for Acoustics/Noise Control at Empa.

Empa researcher Jean Marc Wunderli is the new President of the Swiss Federal Noise Abatement Commission. Picture: Empa

Jean Marc Wunderli is the new President of the Federal Noise Abatement Commission (EKLB). He succeeds Georg Thomann (also a former Empa employee), who held this office since 2016. The FNAC works as an interdisciplinary and independent extra-parliamentary expert commission in the fields of noise and vibration abatement. It involves science, research, enforcement and administration. It also advises the Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC) on scientific and methodological issues relating to noise and vibration abatement and their effects on health, well-being and the environment.

Dr. Jean Marc Wunderli
Acoustics / Noise control
Phone +41 58 765 47 48
Jean Marc.Wunderli@empa.ch

Editor / Media contact

Cornelia Zogg
Phone +41 58 765 44 54

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